^^ Very nice multi-brand electric bike pic The blue bike is an SS9, right?
Yes, that is my SS9. Not shown was our very own DeathFX off to the right side using the other Tesla Destination station. This dad and his adorable little blond boy came up to look at the bikes. The kid was like, "Daddy can I get my ipad to take pictures?"
"Go for it, sport" and the kid ran off and came back with a big grin. The dad told us his son is obsessed with photographing things. We asked the boy what his favorite bike was and he got all shy and hid behind his dad, then whispered something in his ear.
"He likes the red one (Ego) and the blue one (SS9)" dad told us.
"The Italian bikes!" I said, "kid has good taste."
"Makes sense," dad grinned, "his mom is Italian. I like the white one (Strike)"
Looks like a blue SS9, white Strike, red Ego, and blue SR/F. Nice mix. If a Livewire had been there one could be forgiven for thinking some kind of shootout was in progress.
Haven't found a local LiveWire owner yet, but we're working on it. What an absolutely nice day for this impromptu gathering.