I have a SR/F Premium on order. I also want to add the power tank to it as soon as it becomes available. The Premium has dual 3 KW chargers mounted below the "tank". My question is if the power tank is compatible with the dual charger installation or does one have to be removed to make room for the power tank. It would be stupid to order the premium if the second charger needs to be removed. The only thing I would loose is cruise control and heated grips neither of which I really need. The two thousand dollar difference between the two bikes would almost pay for the power tank. So if anybody knows the answer it would help me with getting in line for a standard before the premium with my name on it comes in.
The power tank will be in a different area than your two 3.3 KW chargers. There should be no problem adding the power tank. What you cannot have is the charge tank (total of 12 KW charging, which is somewhat useless in the USA anyway) and the power tank at the same time.
So you're okay with your 6.6 KW chargers with the powertank. If I were to buy the SR/F (I almost did, but the bike doesn't fit me) I would configure mine the same way, the 6.3 KW Premium model with the Powertank. It will take a while longer to charge to full with the power tank on, of course, so you want all the charging you can get, which is your 6.6 worth on the SR/F Premium.
-Don- Auburn, CA