I went back to the Rocklin HD dealer today. I previously heard the LW should be in by August, but I learned today they changed that date to late September.
I also found out today that the charge station they have in front of the Rocklin HD shop is NOT yet wired up. Not even the 120 VAC outlet on its side. I assume it will be wired up by the time they get in their Livewires. Looks like it will be one 120 VAC connector and one CCS DC charger.
Anyway, I had a BS session with one of the sales guys there who was just trained on the Livewire. He went to the training in Milwaukee and has rode the LW. And then he made a lot of claims about what he learned. He either he did not understand what they were teaching or he was taught incorrectly. But there has to be mistakes, and I don't think it is me.
He made a lot of ridiculous statements about the LiveWire, one being how it can charge on ABSOLUTELY any EV charger in the USA, including the Tesla Superchargers down the street (where I picked up my Tesla after the order--and I have used their SuperChargers there). So I explained how the Tesla Superchargers (SC) work, how I just plug in and walk away (not a single button to press or anything) the SC reads my VIN and charges the credit card linked to my Tesla account. Anyway, he was 100% certain that I was wrong, and the SCs will still work on the LW, regardless of all that, because that is what he was taught.
I told him he was probably confused with Tesla Destination chargers (with a Tesla Tap--which I doubt the LW comes with) and he still said the LiveWire could use the Tesla Superchargers down the street. He was very sure and from there, I did not want to get into a big debate with him.
This is the typical BS I get from most MC dealers when it comes to electric motorcycles.
Any comments?
-Don- Auburn, CA