It would be a fair amount more than an hour -- depends on a bunch of things, but 1-1/2 hours might not be a bad guess.
First, there's charging inefficiency. The fact that the batteries heat up means every joule of energy put into the battery does NOT result in a joule of energy in the battery -- some of it is lost to heat (you can use kWh for your energy units if you wish). Typical batteries only store about 80% of the charging energy put into them.
That's assuming you're DC charging, so the charger power loss is off the bike. If the charger is on the bike (level 1 or 2 charging), there's another loss term due to the charger inefficiency.
One more factor is the end-stage charging current taper. Below some SoC value, say 20%, and above some other value, say 85%, the charging current MUST taper down or you'll irreparably damage the battery. You can only charge a "1C" battery at the 1C rate between these values. That stretches out the charging time if you start very low or end very high.