Sorry that I'm being coy about which dealer, as the divorce is not final and I don't want to make this crash landing come any sooner. Rather, I'm hoping Zero will step up and fix the situation.
Zero makes a great product, or rather great product most of the time. I used to be skeptical when reading about owners with chronic unresolved or too-darned-slowly resolved issues, but now I know first hand that those cautionary tales are very real. I am not enjoying my time in the Kafka-esque Zero vortex. 10 dealer visits and counting.
I'd rather have Zero direct some attention to my dealer and my moto's problem. Perhaps they are just too small, spread too thin, and running on a shoestring to deal with legitimate problem cases.
We have a lemon law in my state. I am loathe to use it, but I regret that I will pull that trigger soon. Without a doubt, Zero will have to buy back my moto. Not what I want, but better than the current situation.
Their motos are so much fun, it would take a lot to turn an owner off forever. They've done it before, and they are doing it again. They've turned this fanboy into a skeptic, one step away from hater. And I hate that.
If Zero put on big boy customer first pants instead of their stall stall stall ignore ignore ignore strategy, these sad but true stories would mostly vanish, including mine. I truly would prefer to resume being a fanboy with an enthusiastic and active dealer in my affluent, medium sized east coast city, but Zero has dropped the ball.
Zero could learn a lot from LLBean.