So one of my fellow bikers asked me this question and I began answering it with what I thought was correct information but started second guessing myself.
They asked how many years of good service can you get out of the Zero battery. So I know battery degradation is a curve rather than an straight line with a deinfitive end point. So I guess one has to first establish at what percentage would you consider serious degradation. Let’s say 70-75% of original capacity. Baring any problems or abuse of the battery, what are we looking at? I heard numbers such as 10 Years. Also is there a point in battery age that the degradation curve gets dramatically steeper, say 15 years?. I’ve heard the battery should last as long as the bike’s lifetime. I am not sure if they mean a battery with enough charge to get you around the block. The thing is my ICE bike is still running good 15 years later. Yeah it is not worth anything but rides great. How will my new Zero hold up?