I am evaluating many possible solution to fast charge our zero with the J1772 Level 2.
The 2009-2010-2011 Zero are working from 42 to 58Vdc
The 2012 Zero are working from 54 to 75Vdc
The 2013 Zero are working from 84 to 116Vdc.
there is many solution, for the charger we can use. but the best are all teh one that include a PFC ( Power factor Corrector) wich increase efficiency.
Hre is some of these solution that have the PFC
-There is the 1000W DeltaQ quick charger at 500$ ( 50 cent per watt)
Sealed IP66, not compact, easy to use
-There is the Elcon charger at (34 cent per watt) that offer from 1500 to 5000W
Sealed IP66, medium compact, easy to use
-There is the meanwell RSP power supply at (22 cents per watt) that are REALLY COMPACT
NOT sealed, very compact, require DIY
-There is the HP 3kW server power supply sold on ebay at about (2 cent per watt)
NOT sealed, very compact, require DIY, CHEAP !!
My 2012 require about 75V full charge.
So with the server power supply i could buy two and connect them in serie and lower their voltage to 37V each ( their output can be isolated from the input so no ground short between both)
this would give me about 75V and 57 amp = 4.2kW for about 100$ shipped.
For my new 2012, the voltage range is quite difficult to match with some cheap power supply solution for charging but is still fesable. ! = you need to stack fome 48V and 24V in serie to get the 2012 voltage
the stock 1000W delta Q of my 2012 charge at about 800W wich take a while !!
That must change!!