Are you an interested buyer, or just an internet expert who likes to speculate and throw hate around? Based on your username and the multiple instances of conjecture in your post, I'm going to assume you are the type of person who thinks his brand or choice is the only valid one and that everyone else is an idiot for choosing something else. I get it. That comes across clearly in your post.
Since you are such an interested buyer, what type of video would satisfy you? I'm guessing none, but go ahead and enlighten me. The bike had some minor cosmetic damage. I have completely detailed the few pieces that were replaced in an earlier post. If you don't believe what is in that post, then you are just calling me a liar. That's fine, this is the internet and lots of people like yourself hide behind the keyboard and pretend to be experts. I've been in the motorcycle industry for 18 years, and have performed quite a few forensic inspections on vehicles in the power sports industry for insurance companies, owners, prospective buyers, etc.
If anyone actually is interested, I can take whatever pictures or video are requested. If you are just on here to make yourself feel better about your life choices by degrading or insulting other people, their abilities, and their knowledge, then move along. I am not going to get into a character debate with a total stranger. Come by my shop, come look at in person like an adult, or speak with me like an adult. If you aren't able to do that, why are you even here? You're just using up bandwidth.