I pushed mine as far forward as I could with the caps off. The wind noise was still really loud. I had to cut 3/4" off the bottom so I can angle it up more and not hit the plastic around the light. Finally a lot quieter. I also do not get the headlight reflection anymore. This is due to the turndown at the very front not there anymore. This is the area that reflected the light onto the screen.
Best tip of the year, thanks!!!
Was on the verge of buying a larger screen, but is not necessary anymore ;-)
Cut 10mm of my windscreen.
Big different already.
Try this a while and maybe cut off even more.
So great to hear it worked for you also. I cut about 10mm off the first trial but decided on more. I used a cut off disk for my dremel and then the sanding disk. Followed by the polishing disk. Worked real nice.
The turn down looks nice but definitely restricts the movement.
One more tip. I had a hard time getting the screws to get nice and tight on the ball adjusters. So i used some grease on the threads of the screws used to clamp the ball mounts. They tighten down much better. Reduces stress on the threads and they turn easier when tightening.
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