I can believe it. There was a time not so long ago that Harley hadn't updated ANYTHING for years, including their...let's just say "venerable"...engine design (between the panhead and the shovelhead, there was only one update in 36 years), and their sales were slipping pretty badly. They had to get some government assistance to keep from going under, but they pulled back from the brink, created the "evolution" version of the big twin engine, sales picked up substantially and have been going great since then. They've been much better about not letting their offering go stale since that time, with frequent model refreshes a lot fewer years between major engine updates. They just came out with the "Milwaukee-eight" iteration, and it does seem like they're committed to keeping their lineup very fresh, including this newfangled 'lectric stuff.
Good for them. Like I think most of us motorcyclists, I've always had a soft spot for Harley, and wish them nothing but the best. As long as they don't try to steal Zero's business, of course.