I finally got my SR/F and can confirm there is constant 12 volt power available at the DTC connector located in the front of the "tank" box. I bought a OBD II power adapter wiring harness on Amazon that plugs into the DTC connector and provides a pigtail wire to connect your accessories to. I wouldn't draw more than 3 amps on this circuit but it should be enough to power most of the devices (cameras, GPS, etc.) you would want to power anyway. Be aware that the 12 volt battery is very small so you would need to be careful about leaving something on that is drawing power from it for an extended time. Pretty sure there is no "run down" protection provided by Zero for the battery and hence the admonishment from Zero to not connect anything to it. It is a Li-Ion battery so running it down could damage or destroy it.
On a brighter note, using the DTC connector for a power source is easy to reverse with no trace of a connection should something go wrong.