I had an interesting chat yesterday with Stevie from the Motorcycle Industry Association. They were a big part of petitioning the UK government to sort out the grant. The reason I was chatting is that apparently I was the first person to make use of it and they want to sort out a press release about it.
One interesting thing I found out (maybe you all knew) is that the grant isn't just intended to be a way to encourage people onto 2 wheeled EVs, but also to be an assurance of quality. There are some strict criteria that the manufacturers have to fulfil. One is that the battery has to be warrantied for 5 years. The details are on the OLEV site, but not really prominent to a purchaser. I just saw it as "a Zero is more affordable" but then again, the fact that I'm on here means that I've already got all the info I could have on quality and reliability.
https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/plug-in-motorcycle-grant-eligibility/plug-in-motorcycle-grant-eligibilityStupid government and DVLA delays means I still haven't actually got the bike yet. It's been sitting in a crate at the dealer for about 4 weeks and is likely to be there 4 weeks more.