A lot of recent technology like this is accumulating but is only ripe for a product that doesn't speak to the motorcycle market; more like personal transport on two wheels. Like how Lit Motors is basically a two-wheeled car, or Honda's 60s adverts of "you meet the nicest people on a Honda".
I will say specifically that I think electric powertrains easily fit this category, where its most natural home is slightly off-center from most motorcycle enthusiasts' expectations (a lot of overlap but also an untapped area where people who wouldn't ride a motorcycle would ride a two-wheeled EV).
On the other hand, this might make people more comfortable on bikes where they wouldn't ordinarily achieve full flat-footed contact with the ground. One could be short and ride a tall suspension offroad bike without as much risk.
No matter what, there are huge marketing hurdles. Motorcycle companies have been terrible at aiming at different needs historically.