I'm a software developer who's worked with data analytics and visualization for a decade and have been eager to collect data for analysis.
However, the MBB logs have events, not metrics, which is not the same kind of data at all.
I do have an elaborate Numbers spreadsheet with a way to plot efficiency versus speed (airspeed and ground speed as adapted from Ecomodder tools and validated against DrBass and protomech's figures) and make basic trip planning out of it, but I'd need to convert it to JavaScript and wrap it in a UI to make it more flexible and accessible.
The only realistic path is to interface with the MBB live over serial to poll for all the parameters while riding. The DigiNow data reaper dongle can bridge that to Bluetooth serial but iOS can't use that so I'm considering sniffing the official app's protocol to emulate, because that's easier than a wired connection.
The problem? I'm overworked at a software startup and commuting 85 miles per day so don't have time for all my projects.
But I'll paint a picture of what I've intended: metrics collection from the bike coupled with location data and time, and record local weather together with it.
Ideally, take a google maps route plan and project wind effects on range by using vector math to get airspeed along with ground speed. But that's a different set of functionality that's best done in JavaScript in a web browser (or hybrid web-native app).