So I've already committed to begin avoiding petroleum as a transportation energy source. Sounds weak but it is a big course change.
I dabbled in BioDiesel but the diesel motorcycle market has a hard time passing environmental restrictions. (and now even regular diesel is becoming a tapestry of lies)
What then is the best motorcycle choice?
A Zero Motorcycle. That is why I bought one.
If a Zero is too expensive, then it is too expensive for you to buy - so this is an important hurdle to clear.
(I don't always make the most frugal decisions, so I am not driven to recoup costs or limit every decision I make by the long term financial payout.)
I do not foresee selling my Zero, your worries of a lower resale value may mean cheaper long term insurance.
I still have the motorcycle I bought 30 years ago. So I expect to have my Zero 30 years from now as it is my established trend.
Consideration for the environment isn't really just the refuge of the environmentalists.
In the US most common pollutants have been falling for decades.
This is not because environmentalists made independent purchasing choices in denial of their environmental concerns.
It is through additional pollution controls on automotive vehicles which everyone is buying and only a few are bypassing for performance, or spite.
Being kind to the environment was a successful national endeavor for the major pollutants of the time.
it just needs to go further than combustion can take us.
The campaign to vilify the basic ideals of environmentalism (seen here and elsewhere) is one of the reasons why - whenever I do burn gasoline, I make unreasonable efforts to be sure none of it comes from the Exxon-Mobile Supply chain. The only reason Exxon is not being charged for this well documented deception scheme is the statute of limitations for fraud is just 7 years. And their campaign is now carried willingly by others and unwilling by certain posters. I missed sanctioning them for the Tetraethyl Lead poisoning of millions.
(That flaming windmill - the petroleum lubricants are most of what would burn)
I avoid BP. Because of the spill. No not Deepwater Horizon, but Prudhoe Bay in 2006. Coupled with very active price fixing schemes and scandals the executives at BP can count me out as a patron. Anyone smart enough to drop them after Exxon Valdez, I apologize for waiting for strike two. If you still pull into the BP pumps and your retirement isn't dependent on the British Stock Market, research where your dollars go and what they are used for and you should reconsider.
And the list goes on.... (oh yeah as a landowner at risk of losing my clean groundwater I'm suing a too close pipeline company bent on expansion to comply with insurance requirements - so I'm no friend of theirs either)
There are then so many Petroleum Companies one should not in good conscious patronize - switching to EV is at least a relief of options. Yes, now I'm stuck with one megalomaniac generally incapable of price fixing thanks to monopoly status corporation (actually worse its a Co-op). At least they delivering 50% renewable power to my house over a wire, it should make it to 100% renewable in the next few years as more sources come on line. If I decide I can't wait - I'll go solar myself.