Last night my 12V circuit failed, looking for tips and advice.
Symptoms : Left work as usual and while suiting up, bike live I noticed that the headlight flashed off for no apparent reason. It came back up within a second or so. I flipped a few switches and decided all being good I would depart (at night). Rode a few kms using all normal controls and then engaged indicator and lights went out again. Headlight, tail lights, brake light, accessories and dash light (dash still working).
Pulled off freeway (phew) and by the time I had stopped everything was back to normal. Test rode for a few kms using indicators liberally, all good. Reentered freeway and rode about 10km more. Indicated and same again, lights out but nothing came back to life.
12V fuses all good, replaced to be sure. This morning, checked the HV DC fuse input to the DC to DC converter and replaced (twice) to be sure. No change and the fuse is NOT blown.
So - DC to DC converter failure?
Also suspicious that given the sequence of events it might be a shorted indicator relay flasher (original unit no mods) that has caused the problem?
I've sent off the logs (can't read them myself - what strange language is this?
Any clues from you smart folks?
On the plus side, it is very cool that i can download and email logs!
Physically, where is the DC to DC on a 2014DS?
Im totally up for a swap out, anyone got advice on how easy or hard this is? Bound to be fiddly, I know.....