Cell balancing begins as soon as you plug in your charger. On Saturday when I plugged in my SR I watched the app for several minutes. The cell balance began dropping immediately. Vinny
I think grmarks is talking about the BMS balancing function, which only occurs at the end of the charge cycle. When you charge, the cells will naturally start to come back within balance of each other right away (as long as you don't have any bad cells). At the end of the charge cycle the BMS uses the balance wires to ensure each cell is at the same voltage and will only charge the cells that need to be topped off, not charging the whole pack. The BMS balancing is only required in order to get the cells to the very small tolerances you see when fully charged (2-5mV). If you stop charging before the BMS balancing takes place you might still get within 20-30mV or better....others could probably comment bike currently isn't connecting via bluetooth so I can't check on my bike right now.
OK I am confusing "cell balance" with "pack balance".
So cell balance is the cells joined in parallel to form modules (and give the required amp/h) that are then joined in series to make the pack voltage, correct?
The BMS uses the balance wires to ensure that cells wired in series are at the same voltage. Cells wired in parallel will automatically be at the same voltage.
For example, the 2016 ZF13 Zero SR has 4 bricks that each wired in parallel. Fully charged each brick will be 116V. Cell balancing is not required to get each brick at 116V, it happens automatically. Each brick has 28 cells wired in series (28 cells x 4.15V = 116.2V). Cells wired in series do not automatically balance. At the end of the charge cycle the BMS will try to get every cell in the brick at exactly 4.15V. This happens in all 4 bricks. When you look at the app it's telling you the difference between the cell with the highest voltage and the cell with the lowest voltage (the max difference....the max difference can be between two cells that are in different bricks).
As Terry described, the cells get balanced when fully charged. But each cell doesn't discharge at exactly the same rate so by the time you get down to 0% the max difference in cell voltage is much higher (150mV has been mentioned in this thread as somewhat normal). When you charge the battery from 0% they will also charge a slightly different rates and so the cell balance naturally gets back in alignment, to a point. The BMS cell balancing feature takes care of the last little bit to try and get every cell to 4.15V.