The y cable would be for like 2 elcon 2500's right?
Yes, but you can't inject 5kW of power from 2 Elcons into that 30A charging circuit. I have blown that fuse using the DigiNow super charger.
In that case I should upgrade the Anderson connection and fuse..
Literally no one has done this to my knowledge. This would be new territory and I would not recommend it.
Or what's this about going straight to the controller? What the Anderson connection for? Just a disconnect point for off board chargers?
I think it's all starting to make sense now.
The anderson connector is for offboard charging in an OEM-approved way (notice that they sell offboard chargers; the Elcon solution just happens to fit).
The controller connection is about (as I interpret it, still waiting for the install procedure for the DigiNow super charger which will need this method for 2013) mounting DC cabling to the input side of the controller which of course leads to the battery. Or the output side of the controller so that it's effectively charging through regeneration? Someone who's done this before should speak up to correct any misconceptions about this. Everyone who's done it just says it's simple and leaves out these details. :p I've worked on power electronics over a decade ago, but do not fully understand the dynamics of the Sevcon controllers.
Couple more questions though..
1) is there something about a basic j1772 socket that doesn't work on all charge stations? (Some single that supposed to be there but isn't?)
2) has anyone found a good replacement for the onboard 1300 charger? Like a 2500+ that takes up the same space and is weather proof.. (Wondering if there's an easy upgrade for now)
1) If your charger requests less power than the station demands, there should be no problem. But there is a signal for negotiating power capacity which the vehicle should honor so that it doesn't trip the station's circuit protection breakers (say). The short answer is no. The underbelly charger is pretty compact and would need to dissipate more heat to have higher capacity. Burton's videos cover this.