Thanks evtricity. I was hoping you might see the post. Thanks for checking with the Sydney group.
The panel beater they originally took it to was just going to replace the plastics, not checking or caring about the rest of the electrics. My concern wasn't just that they were unqualified to make an assessment on the electrics, but that they didn't even seem to consider it as a factor.
The lack of a qualified repair shop doesn't seem to have put them off, as it seems they think any repair shop will do. Or to put it in the words of the assessor "they'll get an electrician in to look at the 'digitals'" as "they have experience with hybrids"
To be clear, if it's just mechanical issues then great - it may be repairable. But until a qualified person knowledgeable with Zero bikes can assure me the bike is electrically sound I won't consider it repaired/roadworthy (I'm just stating this in general to any observers - not in reference to anything written here)
Eeek. Don't know the laws in Oz -- here, no car repair shop can legally touch a motorcycle (for some things, like tires, it's actually a criminal offense for them to).
Contact the responsible comprehensive insurance company (your own or the car-at fault's), write to either the CEO or head of Claims Adjustment, and point out their liability if they fund the repair and anything happens to the bike later.
Not familiar with typical problems with Zeros after accidents, but in general, motorcycle frames are extremely fragile after any non-trivial accident. The only way to determine frame damage is measure the frame with specialized equipment (nowadays typically laser-based) vs. the maker's shop-manual numbers by an experienced shop, and just as important is to determine whether there are any hairline cracks... Esp. a problem in aluminum, which is what Zero frames are made of.
I'd also contact whoever the Zero importer is for Oz, and get from them a list of the shops certified by them to repair frame damage. No other shop should touch the bike (again, over here, it wouldn't even be legal).