I guess I look at it a little differently. Where do you draw the line between a design project and fraud? If they posted in the "Risks" section "We really don't know anything about building a vehicle like this, and we may just take your money and go home." then it's up to the backers to decide.
I'm also coming from the experience of helping a friend by trying to fix one of these EV Kickstarter projects. After spending a few thousand dollars the guy had a brick, and no support at all from the "company" making the product.
Still, buyer (backer) beware, but there are a whole lot of really talented people who know what they're doing who are not getting backing due to this kind of thing. One bad apple...
OK, getting down off the soap box, but to say it again, I don't feel like it's doing anything good for EVs. Either the projects, or the rubber-stamp promotion and publicity people give them.