I have two Zeros. a 2012 XU that was the last one sold by my local dealer before they discontinued the Zero brand, and, a 2013 FX 5.7 that has been set up as a SuperMoto.
Between the two, I have a total of 24 months ownership, and about 10,000 miles. The XU had several sets of forks before they finally got it right, and, a broken rear
fender. Hollywood Electrics in California at 300 miles is now my closest dealer. They offered to replace the fender under warranty, but, I never really liked it, so I never
had it done. Even though the local dealer had stopped selling them, they were very much on top of having it repaired. I rode the bike, they called me each time the new
forks arrived, I brought it in, and, waited as they swapped them out. Have not had any issues with the FX. While most of the problems with the bikes might go back to
Zero, the local dealership will have a lot to do with the end result of customer satisfaction. Even though my dealer was no longer going to have anything to do wit Zero,
they did everything to keep THEIR customer happy.