I use my 2011 S (and my 2010 S before that) for my short daily commute to the commuter rail train station. Day in day out, every weekday unless there is actually snow on the road or I am travelling. I live in the NYC area so I see lots of weather extremes from freezing cold to torential rain. My bike sits out in the weather during the day in the station parking lot and in my garage at night. I have ridden it when it was sopping wet from a recent rain and I have ridden it in heavy rain. Hell, I have even ridden it in the snow before there was any accumulation on the roads. Zero has told me that the bike is weather proof, and so far I have seen nothing to dispute that. I don't think I have ever had an issue with the bike that was related to wet weather. I haven't even seen moisture inside the speedometer. I will also say that the bike handles the rain well enough with good grip from the tires.