5 min to charge 48% is quite ambitious.
Especially at a charge rate of 3KW. I just wish that were true.
My Experica has the new 43 FW, but it has more bugs now instead of less.
But nothing that takes away from the ride. All the bugs are with what is says on my display, except for the reverse issue (see below).
I still have all the older bugs such as "key not in range" and "bike is off, turn on to continue" as I am going down the freeway. Also, on the freeway "you may now remove the charging cable". Also, sometimes in reverse, motor will die with an "undefined fault".
Since my FW update to 43, there has been a couple of new bugs.
One new bug was today during a 250-mile ride. I noticed my screen said I was at 64% SOC for 25 miles or so until I stopped and restarted the bike. Also, I had regen, but no regen indication from the line that normally goes down to show regen, Also, no power indication, no line going up. No line at all. But the bike was running fine.
And when I got home, the "magic charging", Experia style, where it says I can charge at 3 KW and gain 48% SOC in five minutes.
FWIW, my Esse Esse 9 has no bugs and I find that screen easier to use. It has the 42 update, as high as my 2020 can accept.
-Don- Reno, NV