Ideally, electricity, the price should fall in 3 general categories.
1. Generation / Procurement. How much does it cost to generate it, or buy it.
2. Transmission - This refers to long distance transference of it. move it across the country, across your state, or just across your town, the very high voltage side of it
3. Distribution - Ok, the high voltage lines are outside your little neighborhood, now there is a transformer which steps down the voltage to run down the street in front of your house, and then finally, the pole, or pad mounted transformer to step it down one final time from the distribution voltage to the voltage you need in your house to run your stuff. ie the 240 / 120 vac in the US, and whatever, elsewhere.
Electricity is an instantaneous commodity, you need to generate it on the spot when you need it, it really can not be stored in it's natural form that you use it. You can't store AC, you can convert to DC, then chemically convert it and store in batteries, or convert to DC and store in huge supercaps, but then it needs to be re chemically converted back to DC, in a battery .. and/or the DC back to AC to run your home. Storing electricity is expensive, unlike say, storing water, where, ok it's sunny out, we are making a shit ton of power, lets pump the water tower full during the day, using solar to run the pumps, then at night, when solar is no longer generating, use the water we put in the tanks earlier. Also remember that there are always losses in any storage sytem.
People paying more for green power. It's all a scam really. The power you are using is probably made from coal, natural gas or whatever is running at 3 am. All that means is that sometime during the day, when someone was making solar, you paid them to put that on the grid, for whomever to use, then when it was YOUR turn to use electricity, you used the amount you paid for, pretending it was green, but in reality it came from whatever was generating it at the moment you used it. Unless you actually use it at the moment it is being generated, you can not guarantee it was green, even IF you use it at that moment, you can NOT really track what motive force was used to energize those electrons you specifically utilized.
Unless you have a grid that is entirely powered by 'green power' there is no way to guarantee it's 'green'. An interconnected grid is not going to give you that.
Most people don't know this, or have a clue how to figure it out, just drool, hit the I believe button and pay whatever their power company tells them to pay and pretend they are doing 'their share' to save a planet that has been thru ice ages, volcano's meteor impacts, yet humans think they are actually significant on it and can somehow control it. Now lets throw in a company that is only interested in making a profit, so will hide any and all of this, so that those few percent of their customers who actually DO have the ability to understand this stuff, don't catch on as easy and tell the others what is really going on.
The more complicated we can make shit, the easier it is to slip in an extra fee, tariff, judgement, adjunct, tax, levy, stipend, etc to squeeze even more money out of the customer. Welcome to the power industry!
The TLDR tards that are being bred today, make this kind of tactic even more simple to pull off. Ignorance is not only bliss, it is also very profitable!