Here is interesting news regarding VW's "dieselgate" requirement to install 1000 DC fast chargers throughout California. Apparently they are not working very well. I guess you get what you pay for. Page 1.
I find we cannot trust AE chargers. But a few of them never give any problems, such as the ones at the Wal*Mart in Fernley, NV and at the Shell Gas Station in Bridgeport, CA. And the one at the Safeway in LoveLock, NV. Those are the only three AE locations I trust will work every time.
I gave up on the four AEs at the Elk Grove, CA Wal*mart. Fortunately, there are other non-AEs within a few miles that work perfectly. I find it's the older ones that don't work with my Energicas. I assume they run a different FW version. I have had hassles with other AEs as well at various locations.
Another thing I do not like about AE is they do not have their own RFID cards. At best, they are a hassle to use. But they do have a few that will work with Credit Cards if you don't want to look at the info and charging progress from a different location on a Smartphone as you're charging.
AE is my last pick in an area that has other CCS chargers.
I have the least trouble with ChargePoint CCS since they updated their FW to work with Enegicas. They now work everywhere on the first try, every placed I tried.
Perhaps I will have better look with the AEs and others when I get my Energias updated with the latest FW.
-Don- Auburn, CA