Because our bikes lack the vacuum in an air box that most chain oilers use to activate, and the electronic versions are *way* more expensive, I opted for a Tutoro chain oiler because it is motion activated so no holes in airboxes (Which we don't have) or expensive electronic oilers.
The Ribelle posed something of a challenge for placing the oiler. Everything is neatly tucked away behind plastics which leaves almost no room for an oiler, and since the thing needs to be filled every once in a while it needs to be accessible as well.
I opted to put the oiler in the frame triangle just behind the left indicator because the oiler is then accessible and in an upright position. Took some fiddling but eventually it fit in.
The oiler tube was routed past a signal cable to the rear fork, and the cable clamps were stuck on. Because the coating of the fork is a bit rough, two of the clamps are stuck on with double-sided tape but the two most aft clamps are glued on. There is no way to secure the hose with the supplied ty-wraps so for me that was the way to go.
To get the oiler end to touch the rear sprocked there was a shark fin supplied in the kit I bought. This is also supposed to be mounted using ty-wraps but again, no way. I glued the shark fin on as well, using 2-component rapid epoxy for that. Mechanically that should be sound but to make sure I really cleaned the area with brake cleaner, then alcohol, then roughened the area with an abrasive before applying the glue. Should be there for life now

I'll update this thread with my experiences in using the oiler.