See the page of the user manual attached.
The master key is the yellow key. Never lose that one
the manual states that up to 5 keys can be programmed into the bike.
So My opinion is that there are 2 options.
1) the lost key got removed from the programming in the bike and if you would use you CAN unlock the steering lock (because that is purely mechanical) but you would NOT be able to start it (because it got removed form the programming). It cannot be that your bike would get bricked by this "not coded to the bike" key. It would just be a matter of using one of the authorized keys and the bike would function again. No sane programmer would lock the bike totally because of a non authorized key and subsequently require a dealer intervention.
2) other possibility is that the dealer simply programmed in the fourth key (3rd black one) and did not remove the lost key. In that case all 4 keys would be functional (1 yellow, 3 black ones)
Just try it.
And if you don't trust it, don't use the key you found. Just label it "possibly not working" and stash it with the yellow key. If you would lose the other 2 black keys
you still have a backup black key to try
and if that fail you could always use the yellow one. edit : I must read the manual better myself LOL it says "never use the yellow key to start the motorcycle"