@SebfromBE if you manage 170km on 10,6 kWh nominal as an average, kudos for your wrist discipline. Are you from Belgium Btw?
Thanks for the feedback and insight on the new model!
Yes I am from Belgium and the 170 figure is mostly because I use it as commuter mostly on national road... So more or less perfect conditions to get most range out of the battery for sure.
With all these advices... Sounds more and more reasonable to spend the extra bucks and go directly for the updated modeL... Let's sleep on it for a week. I will also need good arguments for my wife :-)
Thx all!
Hi Seb, I'm from Belgium too and I recently bought an Esseesse9. You must be very disciplined to get these numbers... Expect less on the Energica because it really teases you to misbehave
even in rain mode I tend to find myself over 130km/h on 90 roads. It's the noise that made me do it, officer 
Interesting! I am basically decided to go for the new Eva model with the big battery. I just mail my order to the dealer. Waiting for him to confirm the order now...
I actually had a chat with the European sales manager about the new bikes. He expect an order placed now should lead to a delivery around ~ March-April. Fine with me if they stick tohthe timing. This way I have time to sell properly my current Zero, and weather will hopefully be just perfect for the first rides :-)
Dryhte: How was your experience with the dealer? Did you just buy one of the 2019 remaining model then? I actually found him OK but not fully responsive...