Ya know...I didn't even think about that...lol. Oh well...too late now. I'll keep that in mind if I decide to order another factory accessory.
The 10% off card is good for one year since your date of purchase. You may use it at either Livermore or Mountain View. It is good for parts and accessories and I assume that even means for your TTSE. There is no mention of the type of motorcycle you purchased on the 10% off card.
And the BMW shop prices (before any discounts) are within 5 cents of the AF1 prices on the accessories I purchased. So it's a true ten percent savings. But if you want them to ship the stuff to you, it will cost a bit more.
IIRC, Elk Grove Power Sports shipped to here for free.
But they have a lot of high expenses in the very heart of Silicon Valley, so they probably cannot do too much for free.
Sure is a lot of money in that area. When I went to SuperCharge my Tesla M3 at night, I was lucky to not have to wait. The place was full but with no Teslas waiting and somebody was just leaving when I got there. And my car was the cheap model 3 there (but mine is LR & AWD <dual motor>). Most of the others were Model S and X and Roadsters, etc. There was a sign there that said they are building three more Tesla Supercharger lots within a few miles of there. Two with 24 Superchargers and the other with 12 Superchargers. So they know they have way too many Teslas in that area for the number of Superchargers.
BTW, if you want to see some ridiculous
2020 Roadster specs, see here. -Don- Auburn, CA