Dude, it's a charger intended for 8s lead-acid battery strings, 96V nominal. It's been co-opted to charge our battery packs because it has enough adjustability to charge our batteries up to 114VDC (at least originally, that's what my 2014 SR charged to). Why whine that they should call it something else?
And you know that a nominal "96V" lead-acid battery pack is more like 105.6V (13.2V per cell) when charging, 102.4V (12.8V) when fully charged but open circuit, and considerably lower (maybe 80V, 10V per cell) when near discharged, especially when loaded. It's still a "96V" battery pack, no volt meter is going to change that. It's just terminology, nobody's claiming it's precise language.
As far as line voltage is concerned, my understanding (Horowitz and Hill, "The Art Of Electronics") is that residential voltage is nominally (there's that word again) 117VAC, or twice that, 234VAC. You're also smart enough to know that there are considerable variations from that, +- 15% or even more sometimes. "110VAC" and "220VAC" is just the terminology we use, nobody's saying there's anything precise about those values.
If you want to whine, whine about something worth whining about, like why your car says it's "empty" when there's still two gallons left in the tank.
We've drifted way off topic, anyhow. We all owe the OP an apology.