Does anyone have experience or advice?
I need a robust micro relay (that will hold up to vibration) & a properly sized capacitor to hold the coil in for the approx .75 seconds of the turn signal indication pulse.
For now the relay only has to power the single 3.5 or so watt LED but I eventually will add an additional few 1 &/or 3 watt LED bolts to the hand grips. (Likely one of each/side). want to run my modified front 1157 turn indicators in the full lum output all the time yet allow them to still flash as turn indicators.
This will maximize my conspicuousness in daylight.
For details on the 1157 LED project
See here here only want to interrupt the side that's in signal mode (the other side will not be effected unless the 4way flashers are on).
I want the front to flash in the same phase as the rear as well as the dash indicators.
I'll need two SPDT relays (one for each front signal) of which I'll run the running light curcuit through the N.C. contacts & power the relay via the turn indicator.
Initializing the signal will power the relay which will interrupt the running curcit.
Initializing the signal will also power the LED & it will flash in the proper phase.
I replaced the signal relay with an electronic one and it alternates at approx .75 HZ.