104 volts at 90% is not accurate. Trust the voltage which says to me about 55% or 60% not 90%. The bike is charging with the onboard right now so real voltage might be 103. So perhaps 55%. 90% should be about 111-112 volts so the SOC meter is inaccurate sometimes. Use the hack to exit out of the run screen and reconnect while riding to get the battery screen and see voltage. For all you with 2014's this will be very handy to know real SOC. Just know that voltage can dip 10-12 volts while accelerating so to know real voltage you must regen to slow down then come to a stop for about 10 seconds or coast if riding
The key to take away from this is if you feel power limiting, come to a stop, check battery voltage, if it's 96 volts or below, find a charger soon, even if your SOC says 60%, you're really about 15%
Even the iPhone can't estimate SOC correct so don't blame Zero, they are doing the best they can with available current sensors, although the 2017's have dual sensors and are extremely accurate. But this is why we need voltage displayed on the app.