Thanks to all!! the next 2-3 weeks will be very difficult!!! the wait will be unsupportable!
For those who wonder how the hell will i be able to fit a supercharger AND a powertank on the same bike.. well the answer is that the supercharger will be a V1 (i got an AWSOME deal on a 11kW unit from a great friend) and i expect to split it into two modules with lower height and fit these under the bike.
If the inductors and caps and control board that Emotor Werk designed for teh Zero in 2015 are easy to split i will do it.
I will document it the best as i can in a way that that it keep respect to Zero.
I will pay full price the 2017 SR and powertank but will enjoy a 2000$ rebate incentive at least... I have made a very big clean up in my garage and all the sold parts will go for a great buyer that will know what to do with in multiple future EV projects... he also bought my modified 2012-2015 Zero S with range extander battery case... He have about 30kWh of lithium battery now.. so i bought the 2017 with that money.
I'm very curious to discover the feeling of full power at 3500rpm.. witch is lower than the previous 4300rpm.