the TPMS manufacturer is Steelmate, the model is TP-90:
The other indicators are air temperature (red) and voltage display built into an USB power plug (to charge the iPhone and use it as navigation system) like this:
VFX and everybody interested. I will also post this on a new TPMS thread, since the old one was really old.
I installed the TPMS just now.
$69 bucks on Amazon:
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01LZME9Q2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1It is probably one of the simplest units out there.
You stick it into your cigarette style 12V power outlet on your dash, screw the caps on, tighten the counter nut and set the system up.
Now, the one thing, although the unit works with just two or even one or three sending units, the issue is that the ones not in use blink with a 0, but, black electrical tape or gaffer tape will do wonders to take that irritating blinking out of your face.
It has high, low pressure warnings and high temperature warnings.
The best part seems to be that it gives you an instant reading right after you power the ignition on. But I might be mistaken. I have not ridden it yet.
For $70 bucks with no wires to install whatsoever, if this unit keeps on working fine, I will buy one for my truck and my second bike too.