I adopted the lightweight CAD tool
Onshape early this year in a first attempt designing struts for my Parabellum windscreen.
Later, I've been trying to plan the use of fairings and gradually learned enough to make reasonably good 3d models of the frame and attachment points. Onshape is somewhere in between open source CAD tools and a basic but professional tool like AutoCAD (I learned various CAD systems in the early 90s so I'm aware of what's possible).
Here's a link to the document (accessible if/when you have an account):
https://cad.onshape.com/documents/e3bb3824fba139759c9d3674/w/83113afb297bc208976b0513/e/4a20b26317d137b898bafe8cAnd I'm attaching some screenshots (incrementally).
These drawings were entirely made from measurements and from the outlines used in Zero's manuals. There's an STL scan of a 2014SR available by one forum member but I found it too difficult a skeleton to work with in Onshape. Anyway, let me know if you can contribute or what you'd like to see. So far, I have the frame (crudely), the wheels (less crudely), and the various chargers.