Dude, I don't fucking care what you drive, and I don't fucking care what you think about what I drive. That has no bearing on the relative importance or validity of our opinions.
(For the record, I've driven a BMW 528i for years and just took delivery on a 2016 hybrid RAV4. So no econo-junkers here....again, not that that makes my opinions more valuable than somebody who makes different vehicle-buying decisions than I've made. They're just vehicles, and many different opinions are possible and legitimate.)
You made a blanket, absolute statement (which you seem to love to do), I disagreed with you, and you got all pissy about it, trying to prove you're better than me and your opinion is more important than mine. Why can't you just express your opinion and let people agree or disagree as they will, like most of the people on this forum do? You seem to have an extreme need to be the ultimate authority about everything, and it's getting old. You're a bright guy, you've got nothing to prove to any of us, why not just be one of many smart people in the room without feeling the need to prove you're always the absolute smartest? There's only one smartest person in any given room, and generally, you're not gonna be it.