Can't you tell I'm starting to suffer here?!? First world problems, I know, but still it hurts being over privileged sometimes... ;-)
Heh. Pretty much all of technological progress is to solve First World Problems.
Aww, too lazy to find a pay phone and you hate carrying quarters? How about we sell you an expensive phone that doesn't use wires and you have to recharge the battery?
You'd rather do something than wash dishes after dinner? How about we sell you an expensive machine that will do it for you?
Is that light bulb too fragile and too hot? We can make an amazing, expensive bulb that is more efficient and will last for years.
Is calling people on the phone too much of a hassle? How about we let you send letters to your friends in an instant, across the globe, with as many words as you could possibly want, for less money than a postage stamp?
Don't you hate going on vacation for a week and having to pack 4-8 books in your luggage, taking up valuable space? We can sell you a machine that carries thousands of books for the size of a book you read when you were 7 years old.
Cigarettes giving you cancer, making you a smelly pariah among your friends, or turning you into a litterbug? We'll sell you a machine that will give you the same fix without the smell & without the carcinogens.
Solving first world problems incidentally solves third world problems. Problems like zero telephone infrastructure, distribution of information, transportation inefficiency, sanitation, lighting, medicine...