I was at Major's Diner in Pine Valley on my group ride a while back, when a guy came up and excitedly asked if I was the guy with the electric motorcycle. I said yes, it was mine. He said he passed me pretty much every day on the morning commute from east county into San Diego. "Oh, that's cool," I said, while inwardly thinking, "so you're one of those idiots living on borrowed time".
I have a little bit of an issue with the standard guidelines; most bikes don't handle very precisely below 20 mph or so, so I do like to carry a bit more speed than they recommend, so the steering geometry works properly. But yeah, I get passed ALL THE TIME by people going far faster than feels safe to me. OTOH, only once has a rider gone by me, and then I rode by her a bit later, picking her bike up off the road. Seems like most of them get away with it most of the time.