Now, this is relatively premature, but I've embarked on making a manual for the SRF owners and upcoming SRS owners. Honestly, I intend to be an SRS owner, but I'm not ready for a new bike because I still have some surgery that will keep me at home for another few weeks. I've amassed enough photos and documentation that I can try to make a reasonable manual to start with.
So, here's the main document: here's the full listing of articles:'m going to start with just focusing on the structure and layout of the bikes, and the logic of working with them. It's going to be light on the deep technical stuff for a while until I can get hands-on with one, of course, but hopefully someone I can visit a nearby (SF Bay Area) owner soon to poke around (volunteers are welcome to message or email me).
Keep your expectations low, please, because it took about a year for the original manual to become truly useful (2016-2017 timeframe) and another year for me to rework the site to support all these different models and configurations over the years, without duplicating big chunks of content about the battery and so on. On the other hand, I know way more about Zero and bike hardware than I did a few years ago, just as an outcome of the interview and learning process developing the site.
If you can give me an idea of what would be important to see first, I'd appreciate that, in terms of broad goals. Remember also that you, too, can contribute and I'd like to see that happen again now that I'm done wrangling the site so hard it seemed to confuse contributors (although no one did any bad edits at all).