Let me address some points made here.
Yon, I do ride in the center of Israel close to Tel-Aviv, BUT my ride is about 1/3 slow traffic filtering, 1/3 medium traffic lane splitting at ~80Kph, 1/3 low traffic lane splitting at ~100-110 (on highway #4).
Your hard statement about not being able to ride above 50Kph is wrong, at least in my case.
Curb riding? Not for me or anyone I know. I do need to go (slow enough) up curbs here and there, but the discussion about at which speed you can take on an "Israeli" curb is not relevant.
Regarding offroad: I come from enduro background, mainly a Husqvarna two stroke. The offroading that I really want to do is 12 hours (5:00am till 5pm) of woods/rocks/hillclimbs, and for that I just don't have the time (Family and kids), plus no Zero can do that. So for now I'm looking for a commuter bike. Being able to do SOME offroading is a bonus, but not a must.
Cortezdtv, regulations here state that you can have whatever rubber you want to put on, as long as it's size (diameter, width etc..) is the same as originals and it's highway certified. So most dual sport/offroad tires are OK. True enduro tire would not be highway certified, but most dirtbikes put them on anyway. Changing wheel size is illegal (for example putting FXS wheels on FX).