Much like the topic in the <=2012 section of the zero's I was looking for a way to prevent front wheel spray from entering the bundle of electric wires just above and in front of the battery on my 2014 SR. After removing the tank assembly and some careful measuring, it looked quite easy to make, just a flat sheet of metal or plastic cut in the right shape.
I first made a mock-up in cardboard outlining it with a pencil along the frame and that fitted very well. So off to the DIY store to look for some suitable material.
Maybe not the most suitable but i used a 2mm thick piece of plexiglas and cut it in the shape of the cardboard.
In the frame there are 2 unused holes with some plastic covers on them. Drilling two holes in the right position of the plexiglass sheet right over the holes made the sheet fit perfectly and secured and it is now preventing front wheel spray to destroy the electrics.
I don't know if zero left it open on purpose (cooling ?) but I think the danger of water ruining electrics is greater.
The cardboard with all dimensions (they are in millimeters by the way) is shown in one of the pictures below, if somebody want to make the splashguard for their own bike. Mind you, that is (off course) at your own risk