Doctorbass DIY Side case battery range extender.After I finished the 2013 motor upgrade on my S 2012 next step before going to the size 6 controller is improving the range for some long trip.
My choice is to add battery on the side of the motorcycle and to have them removable easy. I just bought 6kWh of additional cells for my Zero and I will add them in parallel to the actual ZF9 battery pack.
Problem is that the existing side case available all are rated for about 20-25 pounds and I need twice that capacity. solution is: DIY !!!
just like every special needs I have for my Zero
Actually I’m doing a real 120km at 90km/h and 165km at an average 60km/h. This mean with that new ZF15 I should be able to go between 200km and 280km on a single charge.
This will add about 110 pounds to the rear of the motorcycles but that will be closer to the ground than a passenger so the handling should not be so affected.
The two most complicated part is to remove the actual ZF9 pack.. .OMG !!
then open it and solder some parallel wires from the cells to a sealed DB25 female and also add a
SB120 connector for paralleling battery MAIN connection before the contactor. (I’ll add a 400A fuse inside as well)
Also to DIY and install a battery rack capable of holding 55 pounds of battery on each side of the Zero!! Terry did it with a lot more weight so it should not be so complicated!
I bought for about 250$ CAD two great Pelican case that will perfectly make the cells waterproof.
These days I’m seriously scratching my head about how the hell I will build this rack… woof, Steel, aluminum… that will all depend on the acces and tools I can have to build with these material. I have a steel welder at home so the steel might be the best cheap decision. The wood is also very simple but I doubt the strength will be up to the task without torsioning
I’m also wondering if I re-enforce and protect the cells structure in case of the motorcycle slide and fall on the side to avoid firework on the potentially scratched cells…
This project will be really improving the long ride on my Zero. With a real 200+ km range and a 6.6kW fast charger this will improve a lot the travelling experience.