So I took some more voltage readings this morning and determined nothing of interest - other than you can't trust voltmeters.
I had been taking my voltage readings with my 30-year old digital $20 Circuitmate DM78 (because it was handy and is very easy to use). Last afternoon it read 74.4V for the pack and this morning it read 74.3V.
I then tried my $110, 5-year old Extech MA220 meter and it read the pack as having 75.7 volts. Turning the ignition on and off and back on again and off again, the voltage never changed from 75.7 on this meter. I then plugged in the charger and it immediately started charging at 972 watts and I read the voltage as 75.1 volts. After the charger cut off the voltage reading with this meter was 74.9.
With the bike charging, my Circuitmate meter read 74.7 volts. After the charger cut off, it read 74.5 volts.
So this was probably just a waste of time, other than to tell me that different multimeters are probably no more consistent than different air pressure gauges.
As near as I can tell, none of this means anything other than I can't depend upon my two voltmeters to give accurate and consistent readings.
But I am thinking that the old $20 meter is probably more reliable than the $110 meter.