There are plenty of options available to add a bit of comfort to your seat.
Add on seat pads are an inexpensive non permanent way to to it. There are tons of options to try...
Air Hawk is very popular. Air Hawk pads are an inflatable seat pad that you can contour and adjust the firmess and feel of the pad by the amount of air in the chambers. Many people love them. I tried one at a motorcycle show and though it felt great. Only drawback I saw was its a bit squishy and your butt can move around in the saddle quite a bit. If you are on a long distance freeway ride, this should be a non issue. but if you plan on doing a bunch of canyon rides, it might be a bit disconcerting.
There are numerous add on seat pads out there that are more traditional, using regular materials instead of air. Some use a combination of various foams and gels to provide comfort. Do a google search for this. Main drawback: they always add height to your seat. So if the seat height is already too tall for you, this way may not be ideal.
Custom seat:
Since our bikes arent very popular, companies like Russel Day Long Saddles and Saddlemen do not have seats available for our bikes. But, you can still get a custom seat made. Many companies use your existing seat pan to create a seat. My personal favorite (and I will be getting one for my Zero) is Baldwin Saddles at Their seats are made with a combonation of memory foam and gel and are incredibly comfortable. I got a quote of $400 to redo my Zero seat which will be (at my request) an inch higher than stock, in a "sport" style with vinyl Ostrich seat surface and regular vinyl sides. The stiching will be in a nickle color. the "sport" style will keep the width of the seat close to stock wheras their GT style is wider for more comfort. Attached is a picture of my Kawaski Concours seat from Baldwin. It is a GT seat in Ostrich. (pic is from their wedsite which is my actual seat since I purchased their Demo seat).
Another seat option is Bill Mayer saddles. They can custom build you a seat for your ass and your riding style. If you live near them (Ventura CA) you can go down there and have them fit the seat for you. They try a seat shape, you go on a test ride and come back with notes. I have an MZ Baghira which is a supermoto type bike and I wanted a specific riding position for it so I went with Bill Mayer.They are great seats... I just prefer the comfort of Baldwin over them.
There are other seat makers around but those two I have personal experience with.
Jose Soriano