Hello and Happy New Year everyone!
Please allow me to introduce myself and my project WikiPik to this board. I am a long time EV geek and forum member over at visforvoltage. I currently own an XM-2000, and before that I had a Voloci. I also converted my bicycle to electric myself. Ever since I have been reading EV forums I found it fascinating to see everyone enthusiastically exchange a plethora of opinions and technical data of the various electric rides, but I felt there is a lack of a shared place on the web where we can systematically keep and accumulate all this information for us and newbie EV geeks to reference.
So I've been working over the past two years in my spare time on a web site that does exactly that (and more) - WikiPik. WikiPik is a in essence a review site but stands out by allowing users to define custom rating criteria, and these can be subjective opinions (such as ease of use or durability), or measured physical quantities (such as top speed or range). Data entered by multiple users can then be combined, ranked and displayed in a grid view, sorted or filtered by any column, columns can be shown or hidden as desired and units can be converted between US and SI. Here for example is the page that lists electric scooters/motorcycles:
Electric Motorcycle, Moped & Scooter Comparison Table at WikiPikThis data is open licensed under the Creative Commons license btw, so you can copy and reuse the information as you wish as long as you mention somewhere that you took it from WikiPik.
To read more about WikiPik, me, and why I am doing this,
click here.
So if you own an electric motorcycle/scooter, it would be awesome if you could take a moment and rate it on WikiPik! Just click on the bike you want to review, then click on the "Review this product" link. You can totally customize the database, add new bikes, new criteria or new choices to existing criteria such as new, not yet existing battery types. Here is what the review page looks like:
WikiPik also keeps data on places where to buy those scooters. If you have an online store selling any of these bikes, let me know, and I can link to you!
Thanks in advance for checking out WikiPik, and I hope you find it useful. And of course, please let me know if you have suggestions or comments to improve WikiPik! It's just alpha, so still a little bit rough here and there. I got a small satisfaction survey set up
here (just takes 1 minute).