Rain mode, everything is dampened, it accellerates very slow so you dont spin out, lose traction. Abs, TC are very sensitive.
eco mode, I think limits you to like 60 mph or so, to conserverange.
regular street mode, is almost wide open, not quite as aggressive and it will limit you to about 110 - 112 mph that I have seen.
race mode - lets you do what you want, full aggressive, upper limit 125 mph on ribelle 150 on Ego
on corsica.
The traction control you have control over how aggressive it is, or maybe I should say, how sensitive it is. Now if you are on bumpy roads, or just shitty gravelly, older potty pitty roads, it will activate often as it sees the tires slipping here and there. it WILL reduce your throttle, it WILL reduce your regen too, it's purpose is to stop you from sliding. What makes you slide? Too much gas, too much brake, so it takes away those inputs until the slide stops (for all practical purposes regen is seen as braking)
the cruise control, once you set it i believe you can use the mode or one of the buttons to bump it's setting up and down from what you had it set at.
Ive never turned mine red, even at the race track, though have had it solid yellow for a while. Higher end yellow I have not seen that affect throttle yet, at least not on my bike but it CAN reduce your charging rate if you are fast charging.
I run my bike in full regen, I like it that way and just use the throttle to control most what i need to do, even when racing. Yes of course you need brakes from time to time but it's nice to just one input control the bike and not have to play with them. It's also nice not to have to monkey #$#$k with a clutch, shifter, worry about, am I in the right gear, speed range, power band etc etc. Electric will spoil you very quickly. You'll get back in your gas, on your gas and go oh man, this thing is so sluggish!