Individual cell voltage, thats a lot of work there, Idoubt you'll find any significant pack with that, a LOT of work, meaning cost, you'd have to wire EVERY battery and bring that harness up, and then monitor it, switch off somehow etc. That'd be expensive as hell. I could possibly see arm voltage or unit voltage, but yah some sort of reading would be nice. I do think they have two sensors, so like side A and B we can see.
My racing bike has an extended screen it seems, I can see more stuff and there are places where it's showing cell volts around volts or so, plus battery pack some vector settings, torque and some other neat stuff. One of these days Ill get my glasses and take a good look.
The only problem is, a lot of those values are instant values, like KW being burnt, hp being genrated, torque etc, you'd have to be actually looking at it while riding. NOT a good idea at all, trying to squint down that small, find it while doing 140 mph ! Hell, not a good idea even at 40 mph, you need to be watching the road, not reading some screen. If we had some sort of logger now.