Thanks guys, appreciate the confirmation. Useful to think about not charging at high %, thanks Dom.
Just got this back from Davant:
I have reviewed the logs attached and it all seems normal with no signs of faults.
Reasons for battery charging difference-
The BCB is made up with different cells with different chemistry than the original HM battery, the BCB is also a larger battery with a difference from 14.4kw to a 15.6kw output which obviously give more cell output and greater power but will increase the charge time slightly.
The BCB charges at a different rate and in a different way to the HM battery and a drop in Kw is normal, the temp of the battery also has a great affect on the charger output and the closer the battery gets to full the charge rate will drop.
The ideal battery temp to get the full optimal charge is 30-45% but obviously this is not easily done here in the UK (specially at the moment) so maybe worth advising to charge directly after a long ride if this is what the customer is after. The BCB will charge from 0 to 95% in 1.15 hours in an ideal temp range.
Please advise the customer that this is normal operation of the charging cycle and that Zero are currently working on new software to improve the charge rate.
EDIT: i think he means 30-45 degrees C, not %