I have a 2016 FXS and a 2023 S.
I use custom mode, with throttle regen to 0% and brake regen to 100%.
I find the brake regen quite correct on the FXS, and the regenerative braking is sufficient in most situations, if you stay in a quiet driving mode. It uses the Z-Force 75-5 motor with a 420 A controller.
On the other hand, I find the regenerative braking very weak and insufficient on the S, which forces you to brake constantly with the discs, even if you stay in a quiet driving mode. It uses the Z-Force 75-7 motor with a 550 A controller.
I am surprised by some comments in forums or FB, where some S riders find their regenerative braking too strong and have to reduce it using the custom mode.
There are probably some MBB parameters that could be set by a Zero dealer, or by entering the MBB with a higher level than the default one:
https://zeromanual.com/wiki/Gen2/Regen . But since the bike is new, I prefer not to change anything myself. Note that the MBB logs with the default Login Level 0 do not give any information about these settings. Moreover there is no competent Zero dealer where I live...
In order to get a quantitative measure of this regenerative braking, I have used the following procedure, that should work with any Gen2 Zero:
- Set the bike in custom mode, with throttle regen to 0% and brake regen to 100%
- Use the ZeroSpy Android application to record the bike data every second
- Go as fast as you can on an empty road and brake using the regenerative brake (and preferably not using the disk, since it would shorten the stopping sequence and you would get less data points on it)
- Do it several times in order to check the repeatability.
- Extract the data from your phone and open the file with a spreadsheet
- Make a column where you multiply the battery voltage by the battery amps, in order to get the battery power
- Make graphs of this battery power versus the bike speed during the regenerative braking sequences
I attach an example. For the FXS I was in town and it was difficult to go faster...
Anyway, it is easily seen that the FXS regenerative braking is more than two times greater than the S one. And the bike is lighter.
If some of you are interested, it would be interesting to draw the same kind of curves in order to see if the regenerative braking differs between bikes and models.
And finally the main question is to know if the regenerative braking can be increased by a Zero dealer.