Well it IS July. It's not 60 degrees out, by me it's more like 95. Yes heat does play a factor, so riding the bike adds more heat, then charging adds more heat. With the outside temp being warmer, it's going to take longer for the battery to shed it's heat, meaning the core heat, is going to stick around longer. Yes back to back charge / discharge, will make a difference, it has not had time to get rid of the heat generated from the previous use. On my race bike I can see this real easy. When your battery temp / air temp the difference is only like 10 or 15 degrees, not a lot of room there for heat transfer.
Now lets throw in environmentals. Is your bike outside? Is it in the sun? that hot ass sun on that nice black bike, heats the piss out of that battery buried under the fairings / cowling. Even being parked, which in this case is the worst scenario, the sun baking on that black plastic, it's like a mini oven for the battery, especially on calmer days with no wind to take the heat away. It's the radiation from the sun, the IR beating down on the plastic, which is then converting it directly to heat basically. IMO the type of plastic they use for the top, the tank cover is the worst, I've done studies on that but I'll leave that alone.
If you had a small fan, even a USB driven one that you can put under there just to get a little airflow across the battery it could help quite a bit.
But yes, even at yellow, riding, you probably don't notice it unless you are really romping the bike (like racing) but especially charging, where you WILL notice it, it will throttle it down.
Another thing that helps is if you can shield the direct sun on that black cowling / tank cover /fairing. Hell, even throwing a beach towel on the bike, drape it,so that the sun is NOT directly on that black plastic will deflect and keep a lot of heat out of the battery area.
When I race, I have one of these pop up canopy's I throw up to hide under, keep out of that beating down sun. YES it DOES make a world of difference, makes the diff between me being able to put 35 amps into the bike vs 15 when im mid yellow and the sun is baking the bike so hot you can barely touch it.